Animate Dead: Will restore a dead character to 1/10th of their maximum hit points. These characters are not truly alive but in a state of animation. They will not gain any experience nor can they cast spells or use missile weapons.
Ball Lightning
Damage: 30-40 x Power
Range: 10
Target: Fixed Size
Sight: NO
Duration: NA
Caustic Vapor
Damage: 20-25
Range: 1 x Power
Target: Greater x Power
Sight: NO
Duration: NA
Charm Monster: Creatures that do not save will become friendly to the caster and fight for them during combat. The party will gain no experience for any creatures that are charmed at the end of a battle.
Cloud Kill
Damage: Death or 1-2 x Power
Range: 6
Target: Fixed Size
Sight: NO
Duration: 1-2 x Power
Delayed Fire Ball
Damage: 3-18
Range: 10
Target: Fixed Size
Sight: Yes
Duration: 1 x Power
Disarm Trap: Disarms traps. It will also open any locks.
Finger of Death
Damage: Death
Range: 8
Target: Single Target
Sight: Yes
Duration: NA
Major Attack Deflector: Similar to Minor Attack Deflector but with improved targeting capabilities.
Monster Summoning V: Will summon more powerful creatures than Monster Summoning IV.
Polymorph Other: This spell will cause an enemy to be transformed into some other type of creature. Beware, the new creature could be considerably weaker or stronger than the original.
Sentry: When sentry is in effect the party will not be suprised by random battles.